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Our first two minute video will be unveiled on May 18th to commemorate HIV Vaccine Awareness Day. This project explores the viability of a vaccine and how it might combat the HIV virus inside the body. “This observance provides an opportunity to recognize and thank the many volunteers, community members, health professionals, and scientists who are working together to find a safe and effective preventive HIV vaccine. It is also a day to educate communities across the nation about the importance of preventive HIV vaccine research.” (




On June 6th, The gHIVe project will be showcased at the CT Student Innovation Exposition.  It will be evaluated based on the project’s viability, creativity, development, and documentation.  By this deadline, our website will be completed, and we will have created a wide variety of videos, 3D models, and animations.




We will expand our initiative to include other students in CT, engaging them in a unique, meaningful learning project that will have a significant impact on their communities.




gHIVe will approach local and national hospitals, research facilities, and pharmaceutical companies and develop partnerships with several different companies and institutions.  These partnerships will provide gHIVe with financial resources and access to experts in the field of HIV/AIDS research.

May 18th, 2015
June 6th, 2015
Date TBD
Date TBD

EXPO Countdown

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