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CT Student Innovation Expo Rubric - 2015


This page serves to guide judges to relevant sections of the website and written documentation with hyperlink buttons.


Professional Expectations


Theme: Balance

Integration of the theme of Balance is the inspiration for the overall idea and/or is apparent in one or more components of the project.



Idea represents a unique solution or innovative approach to a real problem showing promise for future development. Given the low overhead requirements, gHIVe is designed to be a sustainable organization reliant upon student digital curricula, community service, and internships. 



Creative Thinking

Idea demonstrates highly creative thinking and is unique in its development or application. Currently, molecular HIV videos are developed to inform researchers and doctors.



Differentiation / Competitor Analysis

Effort has been put into identifying existing similar solutions, and how the team’s project is unique or offers an improved approach. No other organization currently exists that has the purpose of developing 3D modeled digital media to inform the consumer and patient levels of the HIV/AIDS community. All existing technical and 3D modeled media is developed by researchers for doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and medical research based organizations. 




Professional Expectations


Evidence & Research

Idea is based on extensive and valid research. Supporting data stands up to scrutiny.



Hypothesis or Theory of the Solution

Includes a well-defined hypothesis or theory of solution 



Expert Input

Project development has been clearly advised by a field expert and his/her contributions have been incorporated. 




Written Documentation

Professional Expectations


Description of the Project

Project is complete with detailed descriptions of the product, service, or solution.



Explanation of Concept

Documentation substantiates, clearly defines, and provides ample explanation of project problem and solution.




Written documentation is engaging and encourages further interest in all aspects of the project.


Writing Quality

Writing quality, formatting, language, and voice are consistent and well executed.


Citation of Sources

All content properly references and cites extensive, valid research. 





Online Presence

Professional Expectations


Central Location for Project Components

Project includes one online source that serves as the hub and repository for all project components.


Content Organization & Site Design

Sites are easily navigable, user friendly, and aesthetically pleasing.


Social Media

Social media is integral, thoughtful, engaging, and consistent. Social media links are located at the top of each page, and an Instagram feed is in the footer of each page. gHIVe gained 1000 followers in it's first week of creating its Instagram account.



Online presence is a creative and engaging component of promotion. 



Marketing & Image

Professional Expectations


Communication of Project Concepts

Includes creative, relevant artwork and/or graphics that effectively and creatively communicate the concept.


Promotional Campaign

Promotional campaign is innovative and sustainable. gHIVE has employed a multi-tiered strategy beginning with a substantive social media campaign followed by strategice expert interviews and partnership with HIV/AIDS agencies. A documentary has been developed, 7 3D modeled videos will be released, and a formal press release including our experts has been distributed.


Marketing Strategies

Students represent their project with creative marketing that attracts the intended audience to learn more about the product or service.


Exhibition Space

Image in exhibition space incorporates a zero-waste mentality with reduced waste for marketing overall and promotional products that are biodegradable, recyclable, recycled-made, and/or multipurpose. The exhibition space will consist of several led monitors and an iMac to exhibit student work and the HIVEMIND video game. The students occupying the booth will also use iPads to upload pictures and content to the social media sites. gHIVe decided to feature several giveaways : branded high quality pens with an inherent utilitarian purpose, non-branded leather neclases with high quality red ribbon charms to promote HIV/AIDS awarness beyond the EXPO event, and t-shirts donated by CustomInk through a Pear promotional campaign. We believe that this strategy and the absence of paper and cheaply branded "disposable" items will effectively promote gHIVe and support the HIV/AIDS community in Connecticut and beyond.


Unique "Selling" Proposition

EXPO Countdown

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